Growth Mindset

The Meadows School campus with green trees and paved sidewalks in Las Vegas, Nevada
Growth Mindset
Brain is Like a Muscle
It’s been a challenging spring and summer and starting the school year on a positive note is so important. Studies show that students who have a growth mindset are happier and more successful in school, so I encourage you to develop this in your children as well as modeling it as parents. People with a growth mindset believe that our brains and natural talents are just starting points and that with focused effort and hard work, we can dramatically improve our abilities. Some people also equate a growth mindset with having grit and being resilient. I am encouraging Lower School teachers to address this topic to start the year in their classrooms, and we will be recognizing students who demonstrate actions indicative of a growth mindset in our Good Citizens program. Classroom teachers will also be recognizing other positive actions by students that they are working on as a class.

Here are some books and articles that address this topic:
And here a few short videos and an article:
Ms. Kennedy
Lower School Director
Be a PeliCAN
  • Lower School