Annual Fund

Greetings, Mustangs!

We are the Kennedy family, this year’s Annual Fund chairs. We have been a part of The Meadows School community for over a decade. Our three children—Cole ‘24, Piper ‘27, and Palmer ‘29—are superlifers, meaning they started at TMS in Beginning School.

As we prepared this summer to send our oldest off to his first year at college, we reflected on our time at The Meadows. We remember touring the school with Mrs. Carlson and being so impressed with the quality of education the students were receiving. We knew it was the best education in Las Vegas, and we wanted that for our children so they could be prepared for whatever college lay in their future. Our decision has proved invaluable as we have seen our children gain a host of tools to maximize their capabilities and are confident we are sending Cole to college as prepared as possible, with Piper and Palmer following the same path.

Students at The Meadows are given opportunities to excel in everything. They can be driven student-athletes, talented actors or singers, quiz bowl champions, or award-winning debators. All these extraordinary opportunities create the collective Meadows experience, and it is that experience that prepares our students for the next stage of life. For that reason, we have chosen to make The Meadows School our highest philanthropic priority.

The Annual Fund is The Meadow School’s most important fundraiser that bridges the gap between the cost of educating each child and the revenue collected from tuition. Our Annual Fund goal this year is 100% family participation. Why is 100% participation so important? Regardless of the amount, a contribution to The Meadows School Annual Fund shows your support of the school’s mission, faculty, staff, and most importantly, students—including your child. It not only signifies your belief in our community, but also solidifies your place in the growth of our school.

It is our honor to be Annual Fund chairs this school year, and we hope you consider supporting this worthy cause. All in for 100%!

With Mustang Pride,
Joseph & Melinda Kennedy
  Giving levels    
  1984 Founders' Circle   $50,000 and above
Head of School's Circle $25,000 to $49,999
Leadership Circle $10,000 to $24,999
Mustang Circle $5,000 to $9,999
Scholar Lane Circle $2,500 to $4,999
Silver Circle $1,000 to $2,499
Blue Circle $500 to $999
Meadows Circle up to $499

Donors who give at the Scholar Lane Circle or above will receive an invitation to a donor reception in November.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by the law. For the complete Board approved Giving Policies and Procedures please click here.